Gauntlet Press Newsletter 5-18-16
A Note from the Publisher…
We have another signed limited to be published in 2017 to announce and an opportunity for at least one of you to take part in the project.
Gauntlet has always been eclectic in what we publish. Publishing the works of Richard Matheson didn’t mean simply publishing his “terror” novels (he disliked to be pigeon-holed with the term “horror”), short stories and screenplays. We published his very first novel, HUNGER AND THIRST, which was not a genre novel. And, our most recent Matheson novel, LEAVE YESTERDAY ALONE/MUSINGS, wouldn’t fit into any specific genre (MUSINGS is a journal he kept). There were others in between; westerns, a war novel, the paranormal, the metaphysical, mysteries, and so on.
So, we’re not drifting into unknown territory when we announce that we’ll be publishing the script for PAUL SCHRADER’S “TAXI DRIVER” next year. We’ve published numerous script books: perhaps most notably being our ten volume AS TIMELESS AS INFINITY: THE COMPLETE TWLIGHT ZONE SCRIPTS OF ROD SERLING.
So, how can you help with the creation of this signed limited edition? The project needs an editor.
The book already contains the script and a lengthy interview with Martin Scorsese. What I’d like to add are some tributes (possibly interviews) with some of the cast members who might be amenable (a number of them were at a recent 40th anniversary showing of the film and were interviewed on the “Today” show). If interviewed (they could always write a short tribute if they desired) they would be asked to sign tipsheets for JUST the 52-copy lettered edition. I am also interested in tributes from writers, actors, directors not associated with the film but whom were influenced by it or are fans of the film. We could also use photos, posters…just about anything and everything the imagination could conjure up.
We would be able to compensate you with either cash, a large slew of Gauntlet books you could choose from (including lettered editions) or a combination of both.
If interested please write to me at In the subject mention “Edit Taxi Driver.” Please note what editing experience you have and what you feel you could do to provide the material we need. We need someone who could contact members of the cast, for instance—no easy task for someone without experience. I’m thinking of hiring just one person for this position, but I am flexible (if two could work together, why not?). Please contact me within the next 3 days so I can make a quick decision.
In our next newsletter we’ll announce one and possibly two other 2017 titles (we are working on contracts for both of these projects).
Barry Hoffman
President, Gauntlet Press
David Morrell FIRST BLOOD: RAMBO II is now at the printer. We’ve been told that the book will tentatively ship a month from now to Borderlands Press (who will be shipping copies to customers). You might want to pre-order now. Those who wait until the book has shipped will have to wait until all pre-orders ship. Slipcases and traycases have been ordered. We are ordering a few extra slipcases, but once they run out there could be a two-month wait for anyone who has NOT ordered the slipcased version.
We have begun layout on Clive Barker’s THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW. We are making good progress on laying out this Barker classic. We have just two lettered editions remaining which we will probably offer to a dealer unless your grab them up now.
Click here to pre-order this title
We will complete R.C. Matheson’s ZOOPRAXIS. R.C. in late-May/early-June once we have completed layout of Clive Barker’s THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW.
We will only be ordering enough copies of ZOOPRAXIS to fill orders (plus another dozen of the numbered edition and six of the lettered). This will be the only edition of this new collection by Matheson. We suggest you order your copy now before we provide numbers to our printer.
Click here to pre-order this title
We will be receiving a small number of copies of Stephen King’s THE SHINING from Cemetery Dance. As this is a pre-order our regular guidelines apply: pre-order the book now and include your credit card information. BUT, we WON’T charge your card until we have the book in hand (however, we ask that you let us know if your card expires or is replaced before the books are published). We are taking pre-orders on a first-ordered, first-served basis and will inform you as to when our stock is depleted.
We are charging the same $95 for the numbered edition as is Cemetery Dance and $295 (same price CD is charging) for the Artist’s Edition (signed by the artist).
Here’s a description of what will be in this special edition (note: the book is not signed by King):
• An introduction by Stephen King
• An afterword by Mick Garris
• Includes the complete text of “Before the Play,” Stephen King’s 40 page prologue that has never appeared in any edition of The Shining
• Deluxe oversized design (7 inches X 10 inches) featuring two color interior printing as part of the page design
• Printed on a heavy interior specialty paper stock that is much thicker than the paper in a normal trade edition
• Custom-made slipcase for the Gift Edition, custom-made traycase for the Numbered Artist Edition, and custom-made three piece traycase for the Deluxe Lettered Artist Edition
• Epic wrap-around full color dust jacket artwork by Don Maitz
• A different full color dust jacket for the Numbered Artist Edition painted by Don Maitz
• Full color interior paintings by Don Maitz
• Interior artwork will be printed on a heavy glossy stock and tipped into the book
• Special limitation page artwork for all three editions by Glenn Chadbourne
• High-quality endpapers and fine bindings
• Extremely collectible print run that is a tiny fraction of the TENS OF MILLIONS of copies of this novel you’ve seen in bookstores over the years!
This is the very first edition of THE SHINING published anywhere in the world to include Stephen King’s original, uncut 40 page prologue entitled “Before the Play” restored at its proper place at the beginning of the story. This may end up being the only edition to ever present the complete story of the Overlook Hotel as King originally wrote it, so don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
Note: As of this writing Cemetery Dance says the book is 95% sold out!
We will be taking orders for this offer through Sunday, May 22nd.c
While we really haven’t had much of a spring in Colorado (there was snow the day prior to Mother’s Day) we are, nonetheless, doing some spring cleaning. We’ve found five sets of the IDW graphic novel HELL HOUSE. Each set contains the four separate books that make up the entire novel. Richard Matheson was kind enough to sign our copies so you are getting Matheson’s signature four times if your purchase the set (he did not sign the IDW graphic novel).
We’re offering all four books as a set. Normally these would sell for $50 apiece. Purchase the entire set for $125 on a first-ordered, first-served basis (it’s like getting one and a half copies for free).
Note: Books will ship next week.
Sorry, we are unable to accept Paypal for this offer.
ZOOPRAXIS by R.C. Matheson: We’ll be incorporating final corrections in late-May or early-June.
RAMBO (FIRST BLOOD II): Is now at the printers.
Clive Barker’s THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW: In the process of being laid out.
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Please note:
Gauntlet cannot be held responsible if a book is lost or damaged for those shipped outside the country.