Blindsided: A Delirium Books Publication


Blindsided: A Delirium Books Publication


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Published 2006 by Delirium Books

For those of you who are fans of Barry Hoffman’s (aka Gauntlet Press’ publisher) “Eyes” series, we are pleased to announce that Delirium Books will be publishing Books 4, 5 and 6 in the series (the final three books in the series). This will be followed by a re-release of HUNGRY EYES, EYES OF PREY and JUDAS EYES (author’s revised text) as signed limited editions.

Taking up from where JUDAS EYES left off, BLINDSIDED (book #4) involves one of the series’ lead characters being murdered. Shara Farris, the series lead is named the executor of the estate of the character who has been murdered. She learns, to her surprise, that this character had a sister, who is a heroin addict. The sister will inherit a good deal of money only if she can get clean. Sex and drugs and betrayal enter into the equation. As with the other EYES titles, BLINDSIDED is character-driven, with Shara butting heads with some of those she trusts the most. You’ll be able to revisit old friends and meet a slew of new characters.

As of now the Delirium limited will be the only publication of BLINDSIDED, and they will be printing only as many copies as were initially ordered, guaranteeing the collectibility of this signed limited edition. Also, the number of copies Delirium prints for BLINDSIDED is the number they will publish for books 5 and 6 in the series (with those buying BLINDSIDED guaranteed being able to purchase both books 5 and 6).

Harry O. Morris, who did the cover art for Hoffman’s first three books (as well as many other Gauntlet Press titles), does the cover art for all books in the series.

“Combining sensationalistic terror with poignant examinations of character, Blindsided…is exciting and emotionally involving, as capable of evoking philosophical inquiry as white-knuckle suspense. This novel is at once both an unapologetic thriller and a thoughtfully lyric expose of the hidden byways of the human mind and heart in conflict.”

— William P. Simmons

“I loved this fourth installment of the wonderful urban thriller Eyes series and I’m looking forward to the next two books with great anticipation.”

— Tomb of Dark Delights

Other Gauntlet Press titles by Barry Hoffman

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Blindsided A Delirium Books Publication

Galley Edition is $50, Numbered Edition is $65, Signed Lettered Edition SOLD OUT!


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