Barry Hoffman Life Lessons Stories is a short story collection and a companion to his Young Adult novel Curse of the Shamra. The book deals with issues young adults and even adults, face daily. The issues discussed here have no easy answers. In two of the stories, I included alternate endings for you to compare to the original endings. The stories included in this compilation are:
- “Me, Me and Only Me” — Focuses on selfishness
- “Crying on the Inside” — Deals with spousal abuse
- “Bad Influence” — Tackles the issue of obesity
Also, after each story I’ve included a list of questions and activities for readers, as well as parents or teachers who might read the book with their children.
“It’s my hope these stories will stir discussion, debate, and even argument. After all, if there were easy answers to the issues explored in these tales, they wouldn’t be problems, would they?”
— From the Author’s Introduction of
Life Lessons Stories
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